Frequently Asked Questions
Setting up a Viewing
We require that you give us 24 hours-notice to change the date of your viewing. We will always try to be as flexible as possible.
Typically, a valuation viewing takes around 20 minutes, so in less time than an episode of your favourite soap, we can view and agree to buy your car. No hassle and no obligation!
Will you buy my car?
Yes, no problem. We work with your finance provider to clear the outstanding finance on your car. We will request an up to date settlement figure, you will receive a copy, we then pay the full amount direct to the finance provider. We will pay you separately for the remainder where applicable. If you owe more on your finance than the value of the car, we will still be happy to buy the car, but you will need to pay us the shortfall when we purchase your car. All of this will be completed by same day BACS at NO COST to you. Unlike We Buy Any Car
We can value your car with your private registration plate. If you want to keep your private plate it's easy to reassign it to another car or to put the registration onto a retention certificate so that it can be sold or reassigned at a later date. You would need to complete this with the DVLA prior to selling to us.
Please refer to the DVLA website for further information on number.
Yes, please prepare the following for your valuation visit to your business premises:
- We will need to meet the seller in person and view a proof of ID.
- If not a company director, a letter signed from a company director giving authorisation for that person to sell on their behalf is required on company letterhead.
- Company account details e.g. bank paying in book or company bank statement.
- One form of identification for the business address.
- Both sets of car keys if available.
- All service history and MOT certificates if available.
- V5 logbook/registration certificate registered in the company's name and address.
We will exercise the utmost caution to ensure each viewing and collection is carried out in line with local and national guidelines in place. We will maintain a safe distance at all times, use face coverings and sanitise any parts of the vehicle that we touch.
We would respectfully ask that you also adhere to the relevant guidelines to protect our agents.
Our aim is to complete as much of the transaction as possible online and aim to keep paperwork down to the absolute minimum.
Online Valuations
We can only offer valuation on UK registered vehicles registered after January 1999. For older vehicles, we can offer a valuation but you will need to contact us to discuss your car before we can commit to a viewing.
Unfortunately we can only offer to buy cars originally registered in Scotland, England, Northern Ireland or Wales.
Unfortunately we can only offer to buy cars originally registered in Scotland, England, Northern Ireland or Wales.
We automatically send your valuation email once you complete the valuation process. This can take anything up to 15 minutes to arrive in some circumstances, but should usually be instant. If it does not arrive in your inbox in this time, please check your SPAM or Junk folder as sometimes legitimate email can unwittingly be blocked.
We do everything we can to avoid this, but if it does happen please go into your junk mail folder and mark as "Not SPAM" to ensure you get future emails from us.
If you still have a problem receiving emails, please contact us for assistance.
Unlike other online platforms, such as WeBuyAnyCar, Arnold Clark, CarWow, WeWantAnyCar, etc, we give you the opportunity to input an asking price. We hope you can use this box sensibly and not go wild at this point!
We want you to get a fair price, so the more information you can provide before your viewing the better. Every car is different, so we may be able to offer more once we view your car. We base all our valuations on national car price data. Further, we have provided an open text box where you can specify any optional factory extras or modifications, and uploading photographs is also a huge help to our agents and frequently results in higher prices being paid.
As you can probably imagine, pricing in the motor trade can fluctuate all the time. We stick to a one week window to ensure you get the most up to date pricing for your car.
We review all cars before making a final offer. If the car is exactly as stated in your valuation submission we will offer you the same price. Upon inspection, we will clearly state how we come to the valuation before making you a final offer.
All cars are different, so we need to view the car to come to a final cash valuation. Any added extras or modifications to the car over the standard spec can often mean your valuation is higher.
Again, photographs can help here. Either upload at time of price check or WhatsApp them direct to your agent. Seeing is everything. Where the condition of the car is lower than expected, this will also affect the final price we can offer.
Please bring the following documents to your viewing. This is very important to check your identity, address and that you are the registered owner of the car. The below items are essential:
- The car's V5 registration document (logbook). This must show you as the registered keeper.
- Your driving licence (both parts for photo licences).
- A valid MOT with minimum of 45 days remaining (if the car is over 3 years old).
- Service history details.
- The car's owner's manual.
- 2x proof of address documents. Recent utility bills or official documents are normally acceptable.
- Full details of the bank account we will make the payment to. Please take a bank statement or cheque book to be sure.
- If there is outstanding finance to be settled, you must contact your finance company and produce a letter from your finance company detailing the settlement figure.
If it applies to your car, please also ensure you have:
- Any spare keys, particularly the diagnostics key. The valuation provided assumes you have 2 sets of keys for your vehicle.
- Alloy wheel locking wheel nut key.
- Security code for the car stereo.
- Any disk packs required for the satellite navigation system.

How it works
At CarBuyingMachine we come to your choice of location, home, work or other at your convenience. All our valuations are 100% no obligation. For more information visit our FAQs page.
We DO NOT charge any fees, the price you are offered is what we will pay if your description is fair and accurate.